
Our Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) Church Web Identifier is: stmichaelcatholiccommunity



Lectors are ordinary people who perform an extraordinary ministry of proclaiming the Word of God. Lectoring is a very visible service offered to the community. This particular service assists the community at prayer by helping them to hear the word of God a little more clearly. Lectors are not readers of the Word, they are proclaimers of the Word. Being a lector requires a desire to delve deeper into scripture, a period of preparation in advance of each reading, and the willingness to arrive at Mass 20 minutes before it begins.

This ministry is performed while you are at Mass. This ministry is scheduled; you will be assigned lector responsibilities according to the preferences you provide. Depending on your Mass selection, you may serve from 1 – 3 times per month. This ministry requires 1 – 2 hours preparation in advance of your scheduled assignment.

Lectors are trained by the Liturgy Coordinator and mentored by experienced Lectors at Mass. 1 hour of training is provided prior to serving; a booklet describing the ministry is also provided; it will require 2 – 4 hours of your time to read and reflect on the materials contained. Public speaking skills are a prerequisite.

Lectors are scheduled four months at a time – January – April, May – August, September – December. It is best to sign-up in March, July or November but new Lectors are always welcome and accommodations can be made.


Staff Contact:  Deacon Franz Hoffer 586-566-4494