
Bucks and Bundles Drives are held twice a year, one in the fall and one in the spring. You may drop off any items that you wish to donate at the truck or pod in the back of the church parking lot. Monetary Donations will be collected in church.


Walk for the Poor, which is nation-wide, metro-wide walk and is held in the fall. You can be a walker or support a walker.


Oplatek Bread is a Polish tradition and each Christmas we purchase these wafers for any person who wishes to use them. We appreciate the donations that are given in return.


St. Michael Giving Tree is held just before Christmas. SVDP participates in the Giving Tree which is a group of charities that helps those in need. Our gift tags are available at the entrance to the Church in the SVDP basket. The value of each tag is limited to $35. You are free to choose as many as you wish. The SVDP tags have allowed us to give a little extra help to several people or families who struggle with their finances and have a hard time providing a little something extra special at Christmas. Our cards request specific items for a single person, or one member of a family or a general gift for a family as a whole (i.e. a girl’s sweater size 10, a toaster). We also have some tags which request a bag of laundry goods (i.e. laundry detergent, dish detergent); or personal items (i.e. shampoo, toothpaste). . Some tags request gift cards. Because of the $35 limit, we may put a few of these cards together for a particular item or a household item (i.e. a man’s coat, pots and pans). The Kroger or other food gift cards help with Christmas food. Meijer cards not only help with food, but can be used for gas to get back and forth to work. Any remaining cards provide help throughout the year.


St. Michael Youth Group and the Knights of Columbus have generously supported us with donations throughout the year.