This ministry keeps our church linens clean and crisp. Launderers pick up the used purificators, altar cloths and towels on Sunday after 11:30am Mass (or Monday morning at the latest). Return by Thursday of the same week.
The commitment would be 1-2 hours every 5-7 weeks depending on the number of volunteers we get.
The only requirement is that you know how to iron.
Anyone can join at any time. A new schedule goes out every six months. If you cannot do this on the day you are scheduled, please contact another launderer on the list to assist you. You will be trained how to correctly fold and iron purificators, where to pick the used ones up from, once cleaned, where to place them in the cupboards.
If interested contact: Deacon Franz Hoffer: or 586-566-4494
Current Schedule May 2023 – October 2023