Greeters are ministers of hospitality and, for many worshippers, the first contact with the community of St. Michael. This ministry of welcome sets the tone for potential new parishioners as well as regular parishioners and is vitally important to our mission. They arrive 20 – 30 minutes early to Mass and welcome people as they come in the church doors. As they greet, they also distribute the worship aids or music leaflets that are used during Mass.
Following Mass, greeters return to the music racks and receive returned worship aids and pass out weekly bulletins.
This ministry is requires you to arrive 20 – 30 minutes before Mass and stay a few minutes after Mass. This ministry is scheduled; you will be assigned greeter responsibilities according to the preferences you provide. You will be scheduled to serve two to four times per schedule.
No special training required – just a smiling face and a welcoming spirit!
When to join: Greeters are scheduled twice yearly; November through May and June through October. It is best to sign-up in September or April but new greeters are always welcome and accommodations can be made.
Staff Contact: Deacon Franz Hoffer 586-566-4494