Parish Finance Council
Within each parish, and Family of Parishes, the Archdiocese of Detroit has mandated a Parish Finance Council. The Council is a consultive body to Fr. Mike working directly with him in the areas of pastoral planning and financial manners such as: the administration of parish finances, budget, parish facilities, and long-range financial planning. The Finance Council takes into consideration the needs of the Parish as expressed by Fr. Mike, clergy, staff, and commissions.
The Parish Finance Council consists of 5-8 members of the parish who are fully initiated, active, and practicing Catholics. Members typically possess expertise in finance, law, accounting, property management, and personnel management. Other valuable areas of expertise include: engineering, maintenance, construction, technology, heating/cooling, and project management. The members must demonstrate outstanding integrity, the desire to lead projects and the ability to work in groups.
The Finance Council members are appointed by Fr. Mike. Parishioners who would like to join the Finance Council should express their interest and qualifications to him. The chairperson and the secretary are the two officers of the council. Meetings are held monthly on the third Tuesday beginning at 6:00 PM. Minutes are kept to document attendance, discussion items and decisions.
The Parish Finance Council is responsible for:
- Creating and submitting an annual balanced budget, approved by Fr. Mike, to support the spiritual, administrative, and functional needs of the parish.
- Monitoring income and expenses on a monthly basis and making recommendations on budget adjustments, as necessary.
- Providing input to Fr. Mike on unexpected financial/budget situations, or other areas where the background or expertise resides with the Council.
- Evaluating alternatives and looking for cost savings opportunities.
- Communicating the financial results to the parish on an annual basis.
- Creating and maintaining a Five-Year Plan that prioritizes projects and spending based on the needs of the parish community and the facility (including maintenance items).
- Reviewing major quotes for services/work, cost, timing, warranties, and reasonableness.
- Coordinating projects captured in the Five-Year Plan in conjunction with Staff members, parishioners, and suppliers / contractors.
- Establishing norms, guidelines, or processes to assure consistent operations
- Assisting Fr. Mike to assure that our business and financial practices are aligned with AOD requirements
Staff Contact: Fr. Michael Quaine:
Office Phone: 586-247-0020
Office e-mail:
Revised: Nov 16, 2022