You are the first contact with worshipers as they enter the church building and set the tone for parishioners and visitors alike so a smile and a welcoming greeting will form a lasting impression.
- Attend the weekend Mass you normally prefer and arrive 20-30 minutes before Mass starts and stay a few minutes after Mass,
- Welcome parishioners as they enter the Gathering Space, hand out song sheets and other material as needed from the music stands at each entry door. Answer questions to the best of your knowledge or direct them to the weekend office assistant for information.
- When Mass begins sit in chairs marked for Ushers by the Reconciliation Room and Garden Wall or along the back wall near the Usher’s stand.
- During Mass observe the congregation. Be prepared to assist anyone in distress or having a medical emergency during Mass and assist other Ministers of Hospitality with any emergency.
- As needed, facilitate the flow of the congregation as they approach the altar for communion. Let the EMs know if there are mobility limited people who would like to receive communion in their seats.
- Return to the Gathering Space at the end of Mass to receive and organize song sheets and other reusable material in preparation for the next Mass. Hand out “Messenger” bulletins as parishioners leave.
- You may be asked to serve at Special Event services: g. Christmas, Easter, Parish Memorial Mass, outdoor Masses, etc.
- Be vigilant about security from your seated positions during mass. Monitor the entrances and the congregation for any unusual, suspicious, or emergency situations. Assist per the roles in the Safety Procedures.
- Attend annual Security and CPR training.
Staff Contact: Deacon Franz Hoffer:
Office phone: 586-566-4494
Office e-mail:
Revised: November 18, 2022