Our Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP) Church Web Identifier is: stmichaelcatholiccommunity
Eucharistic Ministry (Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist)
Eucharistic Ministers serve a genuine liturgical function. Their job is not to simply help the priest distribute communion; they serve the community by sharing with them the mystery that makes us one body, the body and blood of Christ. We are glad to welcome new Eucharistic Ministers at any time.
This ministry is performed while you are at Mass. Each week that you are available to serve, come to Mass 15 minutes early and sign-up at the Usher’s stand. When sufficient ministers are available, we ask that you serve no more than twice per month.
Special Training/Skills Needed: Eucharistic Ministers are trained by experienced ministers at Mass. A booklet describing the ministry is also provided; it will require 2 – 4 hours of your time to read and reflect on the materials contained. No special skills are needed.
Staff Contact: Deacon Franz Hoffer 586-566-4494